German East Africa towards the great lakes. In British Central Africa a
railway connects Lake Nyasa with the navigable waters of the Shire, and
various lines have been built by the French in Madagascar.
All the main railways in South Africa, the lines in British West Africa,
in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and in Egypt south of Luxor are of 3 ft. 6 in.
gauge. The main lines in Lower Egypt and in Algeria and Tunisia are of 4
ft. 8 1/2 in. gauge. Elsewhere as in French West and British East Africa
the lines are of metre (3.28 ft.) gauge.
The telegraphic system of Africa is on the whole older than that of the
railways, the newer European possessions having in most cases been provided
with telegraph lines before railway projects had been set on foot. In
Algeria, Egypt and Cape Colony the systems date back to the middle of the
19th century, before the end of which the lines had in each country reached
some thousands of miles. In tropical Africa the systems of French West
Africa, where the line from Dakar to St Louis was begun in 1862, were the
first to be fully developed, lines having been carried from different
points on the coast of Senegal and Guinea towards the Niger, the main line
being prolonged north-west to Timbuktu, and west and south to the coast of
Dahomey. The route for a telegraph line to connect Timbuktu with Algeria
was surveyed in 1905. The Congo region is furnished with several
telegraphic systems, the longest going from the mouth of the river to Lake
Tanganyika. From Ujiji on the east coast of that lake there is telegraphic
communication via Tabora with Dar-es-Salaam and via Nyasa and Rhodesia with
Cape Town. The last-named line is the longest link in the trans-continental
line first suggested in 1876 by Sir (then Mr) Edwin Arnold and afterwards
taken up by Cecil Rhodes. The northern link from Egypt to Khartum has been
continued southward to Uganda, while another line connects Uganda with
Mombasa. At the principal seaports the inland systems are connected with
submarine cables which place Africa in telegraphic communication with the
rest of the world.
Numerous steamship lines run from Great Britain, Germany, France and
other countries to the African seaports, the journey from any place in
western Europe to any port on the African coast occupying, by the shortest
route, not more than three weeks. (E. HE., F. R. C.)
1 Further conferences respecting the liquor traffic in Africa were held
in Brussels in 1899 and 1906. In both instances conventions were signed by
the powers, raising the minimum duty on imported spirituous liquors.
BIBLIOGRAPHY.—Authoritative works dealing with Africa as a whole in any
of its aspects are comparatively rare. Besides such volumes the following
list includes therefore books containing valuable information concerning
large or typical sections of the continent:—
sec. I. General Descriptions.—(a) Ancient and Medieval. Herodotus, ed. G.
Rawlinson, 4 vols.1 (1880); Ptolemy's Geographia, ed. C. Muller, vol. i.
(Paris, 1883-1901); Ibn Haukal, ``Description de l'Afrique (transl. McG. de
Slane), Nouv. Journal asiatique, 1842; Edrisi, ``Geographie'' (transl.
Jaubert), Rec. de voyages . . . Soc. De Geogr. vol. v. (Paris, 1836);
Abulfeda, Geographie (transl. Reinaud and Guyard, Paris, 1848-1883); M. A.
P.d'Avezac, Description de l'Afrique ancienne (Paris, 1845); L. de Marmol,
Description general de Africa (Granada, 1573); L. Sanuto, Geografia dell'
Africa (Venice, 1588); F. Pigafetta, A Report of the Kingdom of Congo, &c.
(1597); Leo Africanus, The History and Description of Africa (transl. J.
Pory, ed. R. Brown), 3 vols. (1896); O. Dapper, Naukeurige beschrijvinge
der afrikaensche gewesten, &c. (Amsterdam, 1668) (also English version by
Ogilvy, 1670, and French version, Amsterdam, 1686); B. Tellez, ``Travels of
the Jesuits in Ethiopia,'' A New Collection of Voyages, vol. vii. (1710);
G. A. Cavazzi da Montecuccolo, Istorica Descrittione de tre Regni Congo,
Matamba, et Angola (Milan, 1690) (account of the labours of the Capuchin
missionaries and their observations on the country and people); J. Barbot,
``Description of the Coasts of North and South Guinea and of Ethiopia
Inferior,', Churchill's Voyages, vol. v. (1707); W. Bosman, A New . . .
Description of the Coasts of North and South Guinea, &c., 2nd ed. (1721);
J. B. Labat, Nouvelle relation de l'Afrique occidentale, 5 vols. (Paris,
1728); Idem, Relation historique de l'Ethiopie occidentale, 5 vols. (Paris,
1732). (b) Modern. B. d'Anville, Memoire conc. les rivieres de l'interieur
de l'Afrique (Paris, n.d.); M. Vollkommer, Die Quellen B. d'Anville's fur
seine kritische Karte von Afrika Munich, 1904); C. Ritter, Die Erdkunde, i.
Theil, 1. Buch, ``Afrika'' (Berlin, 1822); l. M`Queen, Geographical and
Commercial View of Northern and Central Africa (Edinburgh, 1821 ); Idem,
Geographical Survey of Africa ( 1840); W. D. Cooley, Inner Africa laid open
(1852); E. Reclus, Nouvelle geographie universelle, vols. x.-xiii. (1885-
1888); A. H. Keane, Africa (in Stanford's Compendium), 2 vols., 2nd ed.
(1904-1907); F. Hahn and W. Sievers, Afrika, 2. Aufl. (Leipzig, 1901); M.
Fallex and A.Mairey, L'Afrique au debut du XXe siecle (Paris, 1906); Sir C.
P. Lucas, Historical Geography of the British Colonies, vols. iii. and iv.
(Oxford, 1894, 1904); F. D. and A. J. Herbertson, Descriptive Geographies
from Original Sources: Africa (1902); British Africa (The British Empire
Series, vol. ii., 1899); Journal of the African Society; Comite de
l'Afrique francaise, Bulletin, Paris; Mutteilungen der afrikan.
Gesellschaft in Deutschland (Berlin, 1879-1889); Mitteilungen . . . aus den
deutschen Schutzegebieten (Berlin); H. Schirmer, Le Sahara (Paris, 1893);
Mary H.Kingsley, West African Studies, 2nd ed. (1901); J. Bryce,
Impressions of South Africa (1897); Sir Harry Johnston, The Uganda
Protectorate, 2 vols. (1902) (vol ii. is devoted to anthropology); E. D.
Morel, Affairs of West Africa (1902).
sec. II. Geography (Physical), Geology, Climate, Flora and Fauna. — (For
Descriptive Geogr. see sec. I.)—G. Gurich, ``Uberblick uber den geolog. Bau
des afr. Kontinents,'' Peterm. Mitt., 1887; A. Knox, Notes on the Geology
of the Continent of Africa (1906) (includes a bibliography); L. von Hohnel,
A. Rosiwal, F. Toula and E. Suess, B eitrage zur geologischen Kenntniss des
omstlichcn Afrika (Vienna, 1891);
E. Stromer, Die Geologie der deutschen Schutzgebieten in Afrika (Munich,
1896); J. Chavanne, Afrika im Lichte uniserer Tage: Bodengestalt, &c.
(Vienna, 1881); F.Heidrich, ``Die mittlere Hohe Afrikas,'' Peterm. Mitt.,
1888; J. W. Gregory, The Great Rift-Valley (1896); H. G.Lyons, The
Physiography of the River Nile and its Basin (Cairo, 1906); S. Passarage,
Die Kalahari: Versuch einer physischgeogr. Darstellung . . . des sudafr.
Beckens (Berlin, 1904); Idem, ``Inselberglandschaften im tropischen
Afrika,'' Naturw. Wochenschrift, 1904. 654-665; J. E. S. Moore, The
Tanganyika, Problem (1903); W. H. Hudleston, ``On the Origin of the Marine
(Halolimnic) Fauna of Lake Tanganyika,'' Journ. Of Trans. Victoria Inst.,
1904, 300-351 (discusses the whole question of the geological history of
equatorial Africa); E.Stromer, ``Ist der Tanganyika ein Rellikten-See?''
Peterm. Mitt., 1901, 275-278; E. Kohlschutter, ``Die . . . Arbeiten der
Pendelexpedition . . . in Deutsch-Ost-Afrika,'' Verh. Deuts.
Geographentages Breslau, 1901, 133-153; J. Cornet, ``La geologie du bassin
du Congo,'' Bull. Soc. Beige geol., 1898; E. G. Ravenstein, ``The
Climatology of Africa'' (ten reports), Reports Brit. Association, 1892-
1901; Idem, ``Climatological Observations . . . I. Tropical Africa''
(1904); H. G. Lyons, ``On the Relations between Variations of Atmospheric
Pressure . . . and the Nile Flood,'' Proc. Roy. Soc., Ser. A, vol. lxxvi.,
1905; P. Reichard, ``Zur Frage der Austrocknung Afrikas,'' Geogr.
Zeitschrift, 1895; J. Hoffmann, ``Die tiefsten Temperaturen auf den
Hochlandern,'' &c., Peterm. Mitt., 1905; G. Fraunberger, ``Studien uber die
jahrlichen Niederschlagsmengen des afrik. Kontinents,'' Peterm. Mitt.,
1906; D. Oliver and Sir W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, Flora of) Tropical Africa, 10
vols. (1888-1906); K. Oschatz, Anordnung der Vegetation in Afrika
(Erlangen, 1900); A. Engler, Hochgebirgs-flora des tropischen Afrika
(Berlin, 1892); Idem, Die Pflanzenwelt Ostaftikras und der Nachbargebiete,
3 vols. (Berlin, 1895); Idem, Beitrage zur Flora von Afrika (Engler's
Botan. Jahrbucher, 14 vols. &c.); W. P. Hiern, Catalogue of the African
Plants Collected by Dr Friedrich Welwitsch in 1853-1861, 2 vols. (1896-
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