and offering to accept the British flag. To previous letters, less plainly
couched. from the king, Jackson had returned the answer that his
instructions were not to enter Uganda, but that he would do so in case of
need. The letters that fell into Peters's hands were in reply to those from
Jackson. Peters did not hesitate to open the letters, and on reading them
he at once proceeded to Uganda, where, with the assistance of the French
Roman Catholic priests, he succeeded in inducing Mwanga to sign a loosely
worded treaty intended to place him under German protection. On hearing of
this Jackson at once set out for Uganda, but Peters did not wait for his
arrival, leaving for the south of Victoria Nyanza some days before Jackson
arrived at Mengo, Mwanga's capital. As Mwanga would not agree to Jackson's
proposals, Jackson returned to the coast, leaving a representative at Mengo
to protect the company's interests. Captain (afterwards Sir) F. D. Lugard,
who had recently entered the company's employment, was at once ordered to
proceed to Uganda. But in the meantime an event of great importance had
taken place, the conclusion of the agreement between Great Britain and
Germany with reference to their different spheres of influence in various
parts of Africa.
The Anglo-German agreement of the 1st of July 1890 has already been
referred to and its importance insisted upon. Here we have to deal with the
provisions in reference to East Africa. In return for the cession of
Heligoland, Lord Salisbury obtained from Germany the recognition of a
British protectorate over the dominions of the sultan of Zanzibar,
including the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, but excluding the strip leased
to Germany, which was subsequently ceded absolutely to Germany. Germany
further agreed to withdraw the protectorate declared over Witu and the
adjoining coast up to Kismayu in favour of Great Britain, and to recognize
as within the British sphere of influence the vast area bounded, on the
south by the frontier line laid down in the agreement of 1886, which was to
be extended along the first parallel of south latitude across Victoria
Nyanza to the frontiers of the Congo Free State, on the west by the Congo
Free State and the western watershed of the Nile, and on the north by a
line commencing on the coast at the north bank of the mouth of the river
Juba, then ascending that bank of the river until it reached the territory
at that time regarded as reserved to the influence of Italy13 in Gallaland
and Abyssinia, when it followed the frontier of the Italian sphere to the
confines of Egypt. To the south-west of the German sphere in East Africa
the boundary was formed by the eastern and northern shore of Lake Nyasa,
and round the western shore to the mouth of the Songwe river, from which
point it crossed the Nyasa-Tanganyika plateau to the southern end of the
last-named lake,
Limits of German East Africa defined.
leaving the Stevenson Road on the British side of the boundary. The effect
of this treaty was to remove all serious causes of dispute about territory
between Germany and Great Britain in East Africa. It rendered quite
valueless Peters's treaty with Mwanga and his promenade along the Tana; it
freed Great Britain from any fear of German competition to the northwards,
and recognized that her influence extended to the western limits of the
Nile valley. But, on the other hand, Great Britain had to relinquish the
ambition of connecting her sphere of influence in the Nile valley with her
possessions in Central and South Africa. On this point Germany was quite
obdurate; and, as already stated, an attempt subsequently made (May 1894)
to secure this object by the lease of a strip of territory from the Congo
Free State was frustrated by German opposition.
Uganda having thus been assigned to the British sphere of influence by
the only European power in a position to contest its possession with her,
the subsequent history of that region, and of the country between the
Victoria Nyanza and the coast, must be traced in the articles on BRITISH
EAST AFRICA and UGANDA, but it may be well briefly to record here the
following facts:—The Imperial British East Africa Company, finding the
burden of administration too heavy for its financial resources, and not
receiving the assistance it felt itself entitled to receive from the
imperial authorities, intimated that it would be compelled to withdraw at
the end of the year 1892. Funds were raised to enable the company to
continue its administration until the end of March 1893, and a strong
public protest against evacuation compelled the government to determine in
favour of the retention of the country. In January 1893 Sir Gerald Portal
left the coast as a special commissioner to inquire into the ``best means
of dealing with the country, whether through Zanzibar or otherwise.'' On
the 31st of March the union jack was raised, and on the 29th of May a fresh
treaty was concluded with King Mwanga placing his country under British
protection. A formal protectorate was declared over Uganda proper on the
19th of June 1894, which was subsequently extended so as to include the
countries westwards towards the Congo Free State, eastwards to the British
East Africa protectorate and Abyssinia, and northwards to the Anglo-
Egyptian Sudan. The British East Africa protectorate was constituted in
June 1895, when the Imperial British East Africa Company relinquished all
its rights in exchange for a money payment, and the administration was
assumed by the imperial authorities. On the 1st of April 1902 the eastern
province of the Uganda protectorate was transferred to the British East
Africa protectorate, which thus secured control of the whole length of the
so-called Uganda railway, and at the same time obtained access to the
Victoria Nyanza.
Early in the 'eighties, as already seen, Italy had obtained her first
formal footing on the African coast at the Bay of Assab
Italy in East Africa.
(Aussa) on the Red Sea. In 1885 the troubles in which Egypt found herself
involved compelled the khedive and his advisers to loosen their hold on the
Red Sea littoral, and, with the tacit approval of Great Britain, Italy took
possession of Massawa and other ports on that coast. By 1888 Italian
influence had been extended from Ras Kasar on the north to the northern
frontier of the French colony of Obok on the south, a distance of some 650
m. The interior limits of Italian influence were but ill defined, and the
negus Johannes (King John) of Abyssinia viewed with anything but a
favourable eye the approach of the Italians towards the Abyssinian
highlands. In January 1887 an Italian force was almost annihilated at
Dogali, but the check only served to spur on the Italian government to
fresh efforts.
The Italians occupied Keren and Asmara in the highlands, and eventually,
in May 1889, concluded a treaty of peace and friendship with the negus
Menelek, who had seized the throne on the death of Johannes, killed in
battle with the dervishes in March of the same year. This agreement, known
as the treaty of Uccialli, settled the frontiers between Abyssinia and the
Italian sphere, and contained the following article:—
XVII. His Majesty the King of Kings of Ethiopia consents to avail himself
of the Italian government for any negotiations which he may enter into with
the other powers or governments.
In Italy and by other European governments this article was generally
regarded as establishing an Italian protectorate over Abyssinia; but this
interpretation was never accepted by the emperor Menelek, and at no time
did Italy succeed in establishing any very effective control over
Abyssinian affairs. North of the Italian coast sphere the Red Sea littoral
was still under Egyptian rule, while immediately to the south a small
stretch of coast on the Gulf of Tajura constituted the sole French
possession on the East African mainland (see SOMALILAND.) Moreover, when
Egyptian claims to the Somali coast were withdrawn, Great Britain took the
opportunity to establish her influence on the northern Somali coast,
opposite Aden. Between the 1st of May 1884 and the 15th of March 1886 ten
treaties were concluded, placing under British influence the northern
Somali coast from Ras Jibuti on the west to Bandar Ziada on the east. In
the meantime Italy, not content with her acquisitions on the Red Sea, had
been concluding treaties with the Somali chiefs on the east coast. The
first treaty was made with the sultan of Obbia on the 8th of February 1889.
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