Реферат: Advertising in our Life
3. The consumer is quite often ready to perceive the information literally, therefore it is better to do without negative revolutions because in his memory the negative moments can be saved, associating with a subject of advertising;
4. It is necessary to use simple words, but positively working on all, for example, "free-of-charge", "novelty", etc.;
5. In illustrations the intrigue is very valuable;
6. Photos work better, than figures, especially when they compare a status before occurrence, using of the goods;
7. Simple breadboard model with one big illustration of a format of a journal strip is an ideal variant of the advertisement in press;
8. It is not necessary to be afraid of long texts because if the consumer is interested in more detailed information, he, involved with heading, will read all the text up to the end;
9. The text should be easy for recognition, without boasting, represent the facts, instead of mere allegations;
10. The trust to advertising raises, if the photo and the text reflect a picture of a real life, the certificate of eyewitnesses, authoritative experts;
11. It is not necessary to print the text light letters on a dark background - it is difficult to read.
Advantage of radio over other mass media is: a 24-hour announcement to many regions and a variety of programs. Radio is listened to in inhabited and industrial rooms, in the kitchen, walking on clean air, in the car. Therefore the advertisements placed in corresponding radio programs, cover significant percent of audience of consumers, irrespective of where they are - at job, on rest, in a way. The radio advertising is operative and has low cost. At the same time during recognition of the advertising references broadcast by radio, sight through which the person receives up to 90 % of information does not participate. Besides the radio advertising complicates an establishment of bilateral communications with the consumer. Often the consumer does not have a pencil, a paper to write down the information transferred in the announcement.
For increasing the efficiency of a radio advertising it is useful to follow the following advice:
1. Achieve, that the announcement includes imagination of spectators;
2. Accompany advertising of a concrete product, service by a remembered sound;
3. The result will be the best if to use "prime time" - time, when the number of listeners is the greatest;
4. If the advertising campaign on TV on the same goods or service is parallelly conducted, it is necessary to use the same signal, melodies, texts, characters;
The radio advertising cannot be estimated under the written text, it should be heard.
Television announcements include images, sounds, movements, color and consequently render on audience much greater influence, than announcements in other mass media. Advertising on TV becomes more and more interesting, informative and at the same time complex and expensive in manufacture, especially if it is based on computer's schedule.
For achieving effect of TV advertising, it is necessary to do the following:
It is necessary to gain the attention of the audience in first five seconds; verbosity is not necessary - each word should work.
Posters on boards of the outdoor advertising are usually placed along brisk highways and in places of a congestion of people and remind consumers of firms or the goods which they already know or specify to potential buyers places where they can make the purchases necessary for them or receive corresponding service.
The advertisement in outdoor advertising is usually brief and cannot inform completely about the firm or the goods, therefore acquaintance of potential consumers with the new goods with the help of this mass media is insufficiently effective.
The basic recommendations for outdoor advertising may be reduced to the following:
Hoarding advertising is under construction on advertising idea, which specificity is that it is instantly seized and remembered;
To use simple and clear fonts, such that the announcement could be read from the distance of 30-50 meters;
On a hoarding it is necessary to note the nearest trading and service places where it is possible to get the promoted goods or service.
Advertising messages are disseminated through numerous and varied channels or media. In descending order of dollar volume, the major media in the United States of America are newspapers, television, direct mail, radio, magazines, business publications, outdoor and transit advertising, and farm publications. In addition, a significant amount of all United States advertising dollars is invested in miscellaneous media, such as window displays, free shopping-news publications, calendars, skywriting by airplanes, and even sandwich boards carried by people walking in the streets.
In the United States a wide range of advertising media has been developed from sources which potential importance formerly was ignored. Delivery trucks, once plainly painted, now often carry institutional or product messages, as do many shipping cartoons. Some packages carry advertising for products other than those contained in them. Wrapping paper and shopping bags bearing advertisements are also means of advertising that are used widely by retail stores.
Newspapers have traditionally led all other media in the United States of America in terms of dollars invested in advertising; despite the popularity of radio and television, the daily papers have maintained a comfortable lead. Thus, in 1987 newspapers received about 27 percent of the advertising investment in the nation, totaling more than $29.4 billion from local or approximately $23.5 billion. More than $19 billion were invested in direct mail. Radio received approximately $7.2 billion, and magazines about $6 billion.
Direct advertising includes all forms of sales appeals mailed, delivered, or exhibited directly to the prospective buyer of an advertised product or service, without use of any indirect medium, such as newspapers and television. Direct advertising logically may be divided into three broad classifications, namely, direct-mail advertising, mail-order advertising, and nonmailed direct advertising.
All forms of sales appeals (except mail-order appeals) that are sent through mails are considered direct-mail advertising. The chief functions of direct-mail advertising are to familiarize prospective buyers with a product, its name, its maker, designed also to support the sales activities of retailers by encouraging the continued patronage of both old and new customers.
When no personal selling is involved, other methods are needed to induce people to send in orders by mail. In addition to newspapers, magazines, radio, and television, special devices such as single-product folders or multiproduct catalogs are used in mail-order advertising. Mail-order promotions are designed to accomplish a complete selling job without salespeople.
Used for the same broad purposes as direct-mail advertising, nonmailed direct advertising includes all forms of indoor advertising displays and all printed sales appeals distributed from door to door, handed to customers in retail stores, included in packages and bundles of merchandise, or conveyed in some other manner directly to the recipient.
With each medium competing keenly for its share of business, advertising agencies continue to develop new techniques for displaying and selling wares and services. Among these techniques have been vastly improved printing and reproduction methods in the graphic field, adapted to magazine advertisements and to direct-mail enclosures; the use of color in newspaper advertisements and in television; and outdoor signboards more attractively designed and efficiently lighted. Many subtly effective improvements are suggested by advertising research.
During the 19th century it was possible only to approximate the effectiveness of various advertising techniques. Prospective advertisers were guided almost solely by estimates of magazine and newspaper readership. In the early days of broadcasting and outdoor advertising the industry lacked a reliable measure of the audience of these media. In 1914 the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC), an independent organization subscribed to principally by newspaper and magazine publishers, was established to meet the need for authentic circulation statistics and for coordinated, standardized way of presenting them.
Eventually, greater scientific efforts to determine relevant facts about audience and readership developed as a result of competition among the media and the demand among advertisers for an accurate means of judging the relative effectiveness of the media. The media soon found ways of ascertaining not only how many people see or hear advertising messages, but what kinds of people and where they are located. Newspapers and magazines, either through their own research staffs or through organizations employed for a fee, go to great lengths to analyze their circulations to show where their readers live, their income, education, recreational habits, age, and number of children and to provide other guides to determining their readers’ susceptibility to certain classes of products.
Radio and television stations and networks similarly analyze their audiences for the guidance of advertisers. In this field, too, broadcast companies, advertising agencies, and advertisers subscribe to one or more audience-research organizations to determine how many viewers or listeners tune in regional and network shows at any given time. Special surveys of local broadcast programs can be arranged also. In a similar but less comprehensive manner, outdoor- and transportation-advertising companies have set up organizations to tally the numbers of persons exposed to their posters.