Реферат: Технологии создания сетей
[1]NSF National Science Foundation
[1]NVE Network Visible Entry
[1]NVTS Network Virtual Terminal Service
[1]ODI Open Data Link Interface
[1]ONC Open Network Computing
[1]OS/2 Operating System/2
[1]OSI Open System Interconnection
[1]P/F Poll/Final Bit
[1]PAC Data Packet
[1]PAD Packet Assembler/Disassembler
[1]PAP Printer Access Protocol
[1]PARC Palo Alto Research Center
[KC AC-7]
[1]PC Personal Computer
[1]PCSA Personal Computer System Architecture
[1]PDN Public Data Network
[1]PDU Protocol Data Unit
[1]PEP Packet Exchange Protocol
[1]PLP Packet Level Protocol
[1]PLU Primary Logical Unit
[1]POP Point of Presence
[1]POTS Plain Old Telephone Service
[1]PRMD Private Management Domain
[1]PSH Push Flag
[1]PSK Phrase Shift Keying
[1]PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
[1]PTT Postal Telephone and Telegraph
[1]PU Physical Unit
[1]RAM Random Access Memory
[1]PBHC Regional Bell Holding Company
[1]RD Receive Data
[1]REJ Reject
[1]RFC Request for Comment
[1]RIP Routing Information Protocol
[1]RJE Remote Job Entry
[1]RNR Receiver Not Ready
[1]ROSE Remote Operation Service Element
[1]RPC Remote Procedure Call
[1]RPL Remote Procedure Load
[1]RR Receiver Ready
[1]RS Recommended Standart
[KC AC-8]
[1]RST Reset Flag
[1]RTMP Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
[1]RTS Request to Send
[1]RTSE Reliable Transfer Service Element
[1]RZ Return to Zero
[1]SAP Service Advertising Protocol
[1]SAP Service Access Point
[1]SAS Statistically Assigned Sockets
[1]SCS SNA Character String
[1]SD Start Delimiter
[1]SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control
[1]SFD Start of Frame Delimiter
[1]SID Source Identifier
[1]SIP Service Identification Packet
[1]SLU Secondary Logical Unit
[1]SMC Standart Microsystems Corporation
[1]SMDS Switch Multimegabit Data Service
[1]SMT Station Management
[1]SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
[1]SNA System Network Architecture
[1]SNADS System Network Architecture Distributed Services
[1]SNAP Sub Network Access Protocol
[1]SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
[1]SOH Start of Header
[1]SONET Synchrjnjus Optical Network
[1]SPP Sequenced Packet Protocol
[1]SPX Sequenced Packet Exchange
[1]SQE Signal Quality Error
[1]SQL Structured Query Language
[KC AC-9]
[1]SRI Standard Research Institute
[1]SSAP Source Service Access Point
[1]SSCP System Service Control Protocol
[1]STP Shielded Twisted Pair
[1]SYN Synchronize Flag
[1]TCP Transmittion Control Protocol
[1]TCP/IP Transmittion Control Protocol/Implement Protocol
[1]TD Transmit Data
[1]TDM Time Devision Multiplexing
[1]TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
[1]TLAP Token Ring Link Access Protocol
[1]TLI Transport Layer Interface
[1]TOS Type of Service
[1]TP Twisted Pair
[1]TPDU Transport Protocol Data Unit
[1]TP[#] Transport Protocol - Class #
[1]TSO Time Sharing Option
[1]TTL Time to Live
[1]TTS Transaction Tracking System
[1]TTY Teletype
[1]TV Television
[1]UA User Account
[1]UDP User Datagram Protocol
[1]UHF Ultra High Frequency
[1]UI Unnumbered Information
[1]ULP Upper Layer Protocol
[1]URG Urgent Flag
[1]UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair
[1]VAP Value Added Process
[KC AC-10]
[1]VAX Virtual Access Extended
[1]VHF Very High Frequency
[1]VM Virtual Mashine
[1]VMS Virtual Memory System
[1]VSE Virtual Storage Extended
[1]VT Virtual Terminal
[1]VTAM Virtual Terminal Access Method
[1]WAN Wide Area Network
[1]WD Woring Document
[1]XDR External Data Representation
[1]XNS Xerox Network System
[1]XO Exactly Once
[1]ZIP Zone Information Protocol
[1]ZIT Zone Information Table
[KC AC-11]
Данное учебное пособие является точным переводом с английского
языка учебных материалов фирмы Novell по курсу 200 "Networking
Technologies Course Student Manual", оно разработано для обучения по
курсу "Технологии создания сетей ЭВМ", проводимому фирмой Novell или
же авторизованными образовательными центрами фирмы Novell. В учебнике
содержится информация, необходимая для программистов, инженеров и всех
тех, кто стремится более глубоко понять технологические аспекты построения
сетей ЭВМ. Учебник написан в форме рабочей тетради, включающей разъяснение
концепций, описание Эталонной модели взаимодействия открытых систем,
функциональное описание различных сетевых платформ, контрольные вопросы
для закрепления материала, оставлено место для заметок, а также
необходимые справочные данные.
Перевод осуществлен фирмой ЭЛКО Технологии-Университет
под редакцией доктора технических наук профессора Сухомлина В.А.
[ Приложение А ]
[0]Приложение А [2]Литература
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- Andrews, Tony. "An Introduction to Remote Procedure Calls." LAN Technology
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- Bates and Abramson. "You Can Use Phone Wire for Your Token Ring LAN." Data
Communication (November 1986).
- Black, Uyless. Data Networks: Concepts. Theory and Practice.
Prentice-Hall, 1989.
- Black, Uyless. Physical Interfaces. Arlington, VA: Information Engineering
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- Buss, Dennis. "DECnet Architecture." LAN Times (December 1989).
- Callahan,Paul. "Getting More Fiber." LAN Magazine (July 1990).
- Carr, Jim. "Wide Area Wonders" LAN Magazine (October 1990).
- Codenoll Technology Corporation. The Fiber Optic LAN Handbook.
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- Comer, Douglas. Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles, Protocols, and
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- Davidson, John. An Introduction to TCP/IP. Springer-Verlag, 1988.
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- Deering, Stephen E. "IP Multicasting." Connexions: The Introperability
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- Digital Equipment Corp. "DECnet/OSI, The Foundation for Open Networking."
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[КС А-1]
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- Feinler, et. al. "DDN Protocol Handbook, Volume 1." Detense Communications
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- Dryden, Patrick. "Future Cloudy for 20MB ARCNET." LAN Times
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- Halsall, Fred. Data communications Computer Networks and OSI. 2d ed.
Addison-Wesley, 1988.
- Haugdalh,J. Scott and Manson, Carl R. "FDDI: The Next Generation."
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