
   Реферат: Послідовні інтерфейси ПК

 /// WARNING: If you change the name of this class, you will need to change the

 /// 'Resource File Name' property for the managed resource compiler tool

 /// associated with all.resx files this class depends on. Otherwise,

 /// the designers will not be able to interact properly with localized

 /// resources associated with this form.

 /// </summary>

public ref class Form1: public System: Windows: Forms: Form



Form1 (void)




 //TODO: Add the constructor code here




 /// <summary>

 /// Clean up any resources being used.

 /// </summary>

~Form1 ()


if (components)


delete components;



private: System:IO: Ports: SerialPort^ serialPort1;

private: System: Windows: Forms: ComboBox^ comboBox1;

private: System: Windows: Forms: Button^ button1;

private: System: Windows: Forms: Button^ button2;

private: System: Windows: Forms: OpenFileDialog^ openFileDialog1;

private: System: Windows: Forms: Button^ button3;

private: System: Windows: Forms: TextBox^ textBox1;

private: System: Windows: Forms: Label^ label1;

private: System: Windows: Forms: Label^ label2;

private: System: Windows: Forms: Label^ label3;

private: System: Windows: Forms: ComboBox^ comboBox2;

private: System: Windows: Forms: Label^ label4;

private: System: Windows: Forms: ProgressBar^ progressBar1;

private: System: ComponentModel:IContainer^ components;



 /// <summary>

 /// Required designer variable.

 /// </summary>

#pragma region Windows Form Designer generated code

 /// <summary>

 /// Required method for Designer support – do not modify

 /// the contents of this method with the code editor.

 /// </summary>

void InitializeComponent(void)


this->components = (gcnew System: ComponentModel: Container());

this->serialPort1 = (gcnew System:IO: Ports: SerialPort (this->components));

this->comboBox1 = (gcnew System: Windows: Forms: ComboBox());

this->button1 = (gcnew System: Windows: Forms: Button());

this->button2 = (gcnew System: Windows: Forms: Button());

this->openFileDialog1 = (gcnew System: Windows: Forms: OpenFileDialog());

this->button3 = (gcnew System: Windows: Forms: Button());

this->textBox1 = (gcnew System: Windows: Forms: TextBox());

this->label1 = (gcnew System: Windows: Forms: Label());

this->label2 = (gcnew System: Windows: Forms: Label());

this->label3 = (gcnew System: Windows: Forms: Label());

this->comboBox2 = (gcnew System: Windows: Forms: ComboBox());

this->label4 = (gcnew System: Windows: Forms: Label());

this->progressBar1 = (gcnew System: Windows: Forms: ProgressBar());



 // comboBox1


this->comboBox1->Font = (gcnew System: Drawing: Font (L «Microsoft Sans Serif», 9.75F, System: Drawing: FontStyle: Regular, System: Drawing: GraphicsUnit: Point,

static_cast<System: Byte>(204)));

this->comboBox1->FormattingEnabled = true;

this->comboBox1->Location = System: Drawing: Point (176, 21);

this->comboBox1->Name = L «comboBox1»;

this->comboBox1->Size = System: Drawing: Size (97, 24);

this->comboBox1->TabIndex = 1;


 // button1


this->button1->Font = (gcnew System: Drawing: Font (L «Microsoft Sans Serif», 9.75F, System: Drawing: FontStyle: Regular, System: Drawing: GraphicsUnit: Point,

static_cast<System: Byte>(204)));

this->button1->Location = System: Drawing: Point (323, 71);

this->button1->Name = L «button1»;

this->button1->Size = System: Drawing: Size (136, 23);

this->button1->TabIndex = 2;

this->button1->Text = L «Прийняти файл»;

this->button1->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;

this->button1->Click += gcnew System: EventHandler (this, &Form1:button1_Click);


 // button2


this->button2->Font = (gcnew System: Drawing: Font (L «Microsoft Sans Serif», 9.75F, System: Drawing: FontStyle: Regular, System: Drawing: GraphicsUnit: Point,

static_cast<System: Byte>(204)));

this->button2->Location = System: Drawing: Point (495, 70);

this->button2->Name = L «button2»;

this->button2->Size = System: Drawing: Size (127, 23);

this->button2->TabIndex = 3;

this->button2->Text = L «Надіслати файл»;

this->button2->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;

this->button2->Click += gcnew System: EventHandler (this, &Form1:button2_Click);


 // openFileDialog1


this->openFileDialog1->InitialDirectory = L «D:\\»;

this->openFileDialog1->RestoreDirectory = true;

this->openFileDialog1->Title = L «Select file»;

this->openFileDialog1->FileOk += gcnew System: ComponentModel: CancelEventHandler (this, &Form1:openFileDialog1_FileOk);


 // button3


this->button3->Font = (gcnew System: Drawing: Font (L «Microsoft Sans Serif», 9.75F, System: Drawing: FontStyle: Regular, System: Drawing: GraphicsUnit: Point,

static_cast<System: Byte>(204)));

this->button3->Location = System: Drawing: Point (593, 20);

this->button3->Name = L «button3»;

this->button3->Size = System: Drawing: Size (29, 24);

this->button3->TabIndex = 5;

this->button3->Text = L»…»;

this->button3->TextAlign = System: Drawing: ContentAlignment: TopCenter;

this->button3->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;

this->button3->Click += gcnew System: EventHandler (this, &Form1:button3_Click);


 // textBox1


this->textBox1->Font = (gcnew System: Drawing: Font (L «Microsoft Sans Serif», 9.75F, System: Drawing: FontStyle: Regular, System: Drawing: GraphicsUnit: Point,

static_cast<System: Byte>(204)));

this->textBox1->Location = System: Drawing: Point (372, 21);

this->textBox1->Name = L «textBox1»;

this->textBox1->Size = System: Drawing: Size (215, 22);

this->textBox1->TabIndex = 6;


 // label1


this->label1->AutoSize = true;

this->label1->Font = (gcnew System: Drawing: Font (L «Microsoft Sans Serif», 9.75F, System: Drawing: FontStyle: Regular, System: Drawing: GraphicsUnit: Point,

static_cast<System: Byte>(204)));

this->label1->Location = System: Drawing: Point (26, 24);

this->label1->Name = L «label1»;

this->label1->Size = System: Drawing: Size (144, 16);

this->label1->TabIndex = 7;

this->label1->Text = L «Доступні COM порти:»;

this->label1->Click += gcnew System: EventHandler (this, &Form1:label1_Click);


 // label2


this->label2->AutoSize = true;

this->label2->Font = (gcnew System: Drawing: Font (L «Microsoft Sans Serif», 9.75F, System: Drawing: FontStyle: Regular, System: Drawing: GraphicsUnit: Point,

static_cast<System: Byte>(204)));

this->label2->Location = System: Drawing: Point (320, 23);

this->label2->Name = L «label2»;

this->label2->Size = System: Drawing: Size (46, 16);

this->label2->TabIndex = 8;

this->label2->Text = L «Файл:»;


 // label3


this->label3->AutoSize = true;

this->label3->Font = (gcnew System: Drawing: Font (L «Microsoft Sans Serif», 9.75F, System: Drawing: FontStyle: Regular, System: Drawing: GraphicsUnit: Point,

static_cast<System: Byte>(204)));

this->label3->Location = System: Drawing: Point (26, 73);

this->label3->Name = L «label3»;

this->label3->Size = System: Drawing: Size (139, 16);

this->label3->TabIndex = 9;

this->label3->Text = L «Швидкість передачі:»;


 // comboBox2


this->comboBox2->Font = (gcnew System: Drawing: Font (L «Microsoft Sans Serif», 9.75F, System: Drawing: FontStyle: Regular, System: Drawing: GraphicsUnit: Point,

static_cast<System: Byte>(204)));

this->comboBox2->FormattingEnabled = true;

this->comboBox2->Items->AddRange (gcnew cli:array< System: Object^ >(8) {L «1200», L «2400», L «4800», L «9600», L «19200», L «38400»,

L «57600», L «115200»});

this->comboBox2->Location = System: Drawing: Point (176, 70);

this->comboBox2->Name = L «comboBox2»;

this->comboBox2->Size = System: Drawing: Size (97, 24);

this->comboBox2->TabIndex = 10;


 // label4


this->label4->AutoSize = true;

this->label4->Font = (gcnew System: Drawing: Font (L «Microsoft Sans Serif», 9.75F, System: Drawing: FontStyle: Regular, System: Drawing: GraphicsUnit: Point,

static_cast<System: Byte>(204)));

this->label4->Location = System: Drawing: Point (320, 113);

this->label4->Name = L «label4»;

this->label4->Size = System: Drawing: Size (0, 16);

this->label4->TabIndex = 12;


 // progressBar1


this->progressBar1->Location = System: Drawing: Point (29, 134);

this->progressBar1->Name = L «progressBar1»;

this->progressBar1->Size = System: Drawing: Size (593, 17);

this->progressBar1->TabIndex = 13;


 // Form1


this->AutoScaleDimensions = System: Drawing: SizeF (6, 13);

this->AutoScaleMode = System: Windows: Forms: AutoScaleMode: Font;

this->ClientSize = System: Drawing: Size (652, 166);

this->Controls->Add (this->progressBar1);

this->Controls->Add (this->label4);

this->Controls->Add (this->comboBox2);

this->Controls->Add (this->label3);

this->Controls->Add (this->label2);

this->Controls->Add (this->label1);

this->Controls->Add (this->textBox1);

this->Controls->Add (this->button3);

this->Controls->Add (this->button2);

this->Controls->Add (this->button1);

this->Controls->Add (this->comboBox1);

this->Name = L «Form1»;

this->Text = L «COM Комутнікатор»;

this->Load += gcnew System: EventHandler (this, &Form1: Form1_Load);




#pragma endregion

private: System: Void Form1_Load (System: Object^ sender, System: EventArgs^ e) {

array<String^>^ ports = serialPort1->GetPortNames();

int i = 0;


for (i = 0; i < ports->Length; i++) {

comboBox1->Items->Add (ports[i]);


comboBox1->SelectedIndex = 0;

comboBox2->SelectedIndex = 7;


private: System: Void button2_Click (System: Object^ sender, System: EventArgs^ e) {

String^ portName = (String^) comboBox1->SelectedItem;

array<unsigned char>^ buffer = gcnew array<unsigned char>(1000);

unsigned int bytesRead = 0;

if (! File: Exists (textBox1->Text)) {

MessageBox: Show («Такий файл не існує», «Помилка»,

MessageBoxButtons:OK, MessageBoxIcon: Error);


else {

int numBytesRead = 0;

FileStream^ f = gcnew FileStream (textBox1->Text, FileMode: Open, FileAccess: Read);

FileInfo^ fi = gcnew FileInfo (textBox1->Text);

unsigned int fileSize = fi->Length;

String^ fileName = fi->Name;

String^ fileSizeStr = «» + fileSize;

 // for files only

array<wchar_t>^ b1 = fileName->ToCharArray();

label4->Text = «Передача файлу» + fileName +»…»;

serialPort1->PortName = portName;

serialPort1->BaudRate = Int32: Parse (comboBox2->Text);

serialPort1->WriteTimeout = 10000;




while (bytesRead < fileSize) {

numBytesRead = f->Read (buffer, 0,1000);

serialPort1->Write (buffer, 0, numBytesRead);

bytesRead += numBytesRead;

label4->Text = «Відіслано» + (bytesRead *100 /fileSize) + «%»;

progressBar1->Value = (bytesRead *100 /fileSize);





MessageBox: Show («Файл» + fileName + «успішне передано», «Пердача файлу», MessageBoxButtons:OK, MessageBoxIcon: Information);

progressBar1->Value = 0;

label4->Text = «»;




private: System: Void button1_Click (System: Object^ sender, System: EventArgs^ e) {

String^ fileName;

String^ fileSizeStr;

unsigned int fileSize;

String^ portName = (String^) comboBox1->SelectedItem;

label4->Text = «Очікування файлу…»;

serialPort1->PortName = portName;

serialPort1->BaudRate = Int32: Parse (comboBox2->Text);

serialPort1->ReadTimeout = 10000;


fileName = serialPort1->ReadLine();

fileSizeStr = serialPort1->ReadLine();

fileSize = Int32: Parse(fileSizeStr);

array<unsigned char>^ buffer = gcnew array<unsigned char>(1000);

unsigned int bytesRead = 0;

if (! Directory: Exists (». //files»)) {

Directory: CreateDirectory (». //files»);


if (File: Exists (». //files // » + fileName)) {

MessageBox: Show («Такий файл уже існує», «Помилка»,

MessageBoxButtons:OK, MessageBoxIcon: Error);


else {

int numBytesRead = 0;

FileStream^ w = gcnew FileStream («files // » + fileName, FileMode: OpenOrCreate, FileAccess: Write);

FileInfo^ fi = gcnew FileInfo («files // » + fileName);

 // for files only

label4->Text = «Прийом файлу» + fileName +»…»;

while (bytesRead < fileSize) {

numBytesRead = serialPort1->Read (buffer, 0,1000);

w->Write (buffer, 0, numBytesRead);      

bytesRead += numBytesRead;

label4->Text = «Отримано» + (bytesRead *100 /fileSize) + «%»;

progressBar1->Value = (bytesRead *100 /fileSize);





MessageBox: Show («Файл» + fileName + «успішне прийнято:» + fi->FullName, «Пердача файлу», MessageBoxButtons:OK, MessageBoxIcon: Information);

progressBar1->Value = 0;

label4->Text = «»;





private: System: Void openFileDialog1_FileOk (System: Object^ sender, System: ComponentModel: CancelEventArgs^ e) {


private: System: Void label1_Click (System: Object^ sender, System: EventArgs^ e) {


private: System: Void button3_Click (System: Object^ sender, System: EventArgs^ e) {

openFileDialog1->InitialDirectory =».\\»;

openFileDialog1->Filter = «txt files(*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*»;

openFileDialog1->FilterIndex = 2;

openFileDialog1->RestoreDirectory = true;

if (System: Windows: Forms: DialogResult:OK == openFileDialog1->ShowDialog(this)) {

textBox1->Text = openFileDialog1->FileName;

} else {

textBox1->Text = «»;



private: System: Void progressBar1_Click (System: Object^ sender, System: EventArgs^ e) {




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