
   Ðåôåðàò: Àäìèíèñòðèðîâàíèå ëîêàëüíûõ ñåòåé

D "dir"                                                    Add a directory search path for source files.

ld                                             List all directories.

lf [string]                                                List all (or matching) files.

lsl                                            List all shared libraries.

lp [[class]::][string]                               List all (or matching) procedures.

lo [[class]::][string]                               List all (or matching) overloaded functions.

lcl [string]                                               List all (or matching) classes.

lct [string]                                              List all (or matching) class templates.

ltf [string]                                               List all (or matching) function expansions.

lft [string]                                               List all (or matching) function templates.

View and modify data:

p expr [\format]                                   Print value of expression using format.

p expr?format                                      Print address of expression using format.

p -[\format]                                           Print value of prev memory location using format.

p +[\format]                                          Print value of next memory location using format.

p class::                                                 Print static members of class.

l [[class]::][proc[:depth]]                    List all parameters and locals of proc.

t [depth]                                                 Trace stack.

T [depth]                                               Trace stack and show local variables.

tst                                            Toggle stub visibility.          (PA-RISC only)

lr [string]                                                List all (or matching) registers.

lc [string]                                                List all (or matching) commons.  (PA-RISC only)

lg [string]                                                List all (or matching) globals.

ls [string]                                                List all (or matching) special variables.

mm [string]                                           Show memory-map of all (or matching) loaded shared -libraries.

f ["printf-style-format"]                      Set address printing format.

disp item [\format]                              Display Cobol data item value using format.(MPE-only)

move val to item                                 Move value "val" to cobol data item "item" (MPE-only)

pq <<same as p>>              Print quietly.  Evaluate without printing.

ll [string]                                                 List all (or matching) labels.

lz                                             List all signals.

z [number] [i][r][s][Q]          Toggle flags (ignore, report, stop, Quiet) for signal.

Screen modes:

am                                                          Activate more (turn on pagination).

sm                                                           Suspend more (turn off pagination).

w number                                              Set size of source window.

td                                                            Toggle disassembly mode.

ts                                             Toggle split-screen mode.

fr                                             Display floating point registers.

gr                                             Display general registers.

tf                                             Toggle float register display precision (PA-RISC only).

sr                                             Display special registers.      (PA-RISC only)

u                                              Update screen.

U                                                             Refresh source & location windows on screen.

+r                                                            Scroll floating point registers forward.

-r                                             Scroll floating point registers backward.


a commands                                        Create a new assertion with a command list.

aa (number | *)                                    Activate one or all assertions.

da (number | *)                                    Delete one or all assertions.

la                                             List all assertions.

sa (number | *)                                     Suspend one or all assertions.

ta                                                            Toggle overall assertions state.

x [expr]                                                  Exit assertion mode, possibly aborting the assertion command list.


def name [replacement-text]            Define a macro name.

lm [string]                                              List all (or matching) macros.

tm                                                           Toggle the macro substitution mechanism.

undef (name | *)                                  Remove the macro definition for name or all.

Record and playback:

tr [@]                                                      Toggle the record [record-all] mechanism.

< file                                                       Playback from file.

<< file                                                     Playback from file with single stepping.

> file                                                       Record commands to file.

>> file                                                     Append commands to file.

>@ file                                                   Record-all debugger commands & output to file.

>>@ file                                                 Append all debugger commands & output to file.

                                ">>" is equivalent to ">" for the next four commands.

>                                              Show status of current recording file.

>@                                                          Show status of current record-all file.

>(t | f | c)                                                Turn recording on (t), or off (f), or close the recording file (c).

>@(t | f | c)                                            Turn record-all on (t), or off (f), or close the record-all file (c).


ss file                                                      Save (breakpoint, macro, assertion) state.

tc                                             Toggle case sensitivity in searches.

<carriage-return>                                 Repeat previous command.

~                                              Repeat previous command.

! [command-line]                                 Execute shell (with or without commands).

q                                              Quit debugger.

$addr                                                     Unary operator, address of object.

$sizeof                                                   Unary operator, size of object.

$in                                                          Unary boolean operator, execution in procedure.

# [text]                                                   A comment.

I                                              Print debugger status.

M [(t | c) [expr [; expr ...]]]                  Print or set (text or core) maps.

tM                                                           Toggle between default and modifiable core maps.


var                                                          Search current procedure and globals.

class::var                              Search class for variable.

[[class]::]proc:[class::]var                  Search procedure for variable.

[[class]::]proc:depth:[class::]var      Search procedure at depth on stack.

:var or ::var                                          Search for global variable only.

.                                                               Shorthand for last thing you looked at.

$var                                                        Define or use special variable.

$result                                                    Return value of last cmd line procedure call.

$signal                                                   Current child process signal number.

$lang                                                      Current language for expression evaluation.

$depth                                                   Default stack depth for local variables.

$print                                                     Display mode for character data.

$line                                                       Current source line number.

$malloc                                                 Debugger memory allocation (bytes).

$step                                                      Instr. count in non-debug before free-run.

$cplusplus                                             C++ feature control flags.

$regname                                              Hardware registers.

$fpa                                                       Treat fpa sequence as one instruction.(S300 only)

Ñòðàíèöû: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51


Áûñòðûé ïîèñê

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