
   Манипулирование с целыми числами произвольной длины - (реферат)

    cout    cin >>aa;
    cout    cin >>bb;
    r                 ;
    r         if (a    if (a>b) rb ";
    if (a    if (a>=b) r=b ";
    if (a! =b) r    if (a==b) r    r         

    #define COUNT unsigned int
    #define TRUE 1
    #define FALSE 0
    #define ILLEGAL 10
    extern class unlim
    &operator = (char*),
    &operator = (unlim&);
    friend int
    operator == (unlim&, unlim&),
    operator ! = (unlim&, unlim&),
    operator > (unlim&, unlim&),
    operator >= (unlim&, unlim&),
    operator < (unlim&, unlim&),
    operator     friend unlim
    operator + (unlim&), // unary
    operator - (unlim&), // unary
    operator + (unlim&, unlim&), // binary
    operator - (unlim&, unlim&), // binary
    operator * (unlim&, unlim&),
    friend ostream
    &operator     private:
    struct descriptor
    *pv; //pointer to value descriptor
    digit(COUNT number);
    &operator [](COUNT i) {return pv->body[i]; }
    init0(), //init by zero
    NotDigit(), //message "no digit" & init0
    optimize(), //optimize length of body
    error(char*); //display error message
    inline int operator ==(unlim &a, unlim &b)
    return ! (a! =b);
    inline int operator      ! (a! =b);
    inline int operator >=(unlim &a, unlim &b)
    return ! (a    }
    inline int operator >(unlim &a, unlim &b)
    return ! (a    }
    inline unlim operator +(unlim &x)
    return x;
    #define COUNT unsigned int
    #define TRUE 1
    #define FALSE 0
    #define ILLEGAL 10
    class unlim
    &operator = (char*),
    &operator = (unlim&);
    friend int
    operator == (unlim&, unlim&),
    operator ! = (unlim&, unlim&),
    operator > (unlim&, unlim&),
    operator >= (unlim&, unlim&),
    operator < (unlim&, unlim&),
    operator     friend unlim
    operator + (unlim&), // unary
    operator - (unlim&), // unary
    operator + (unlim&, unlim&), // binary
    operator - (unlim&, unlim&), // binary
    operator * (unlim&, unlim&),
    friend ostream
    &operator     private:
    struct descriptor
    *pv; //pointer to value descriptor
    digit(COUNT number);
    char &operator [](COUNT i) {return pv->body[i]; }
    init0(), //init by zero
    NotDigit(), //message "no digit" & init0
    optimize(), //optimize length of body
    error(char*); //display error message
    inline void unlim: :error(char *message)
    cout             }
    void unlim: :init0()
    (pv->body)=new char;
    char unlim: :digit(COUNT number)
    if ( number>=(pv->len) )
    return ILLEGAL;
    char byte=(pv->body)[number/2];
    if (number%2==0)
    return byte%10;
    return byte/10;
    unlim: :unlim()
    pv=new descriptor;
    unlim: :~unlim()
    if ( --(pv->HowMany)==0 )
    delete pv->body;
    delete pv;
    char DecVal(char symbol)
    if ( isdigit(symbol) )
    return symbol-'0';
    return ILLEGAL;
    unlim: :unlim(char *string)
    pv=new descriptor;
    COUNT Length=strlen(string);
    if (Length==0)
    error("Empty string assigned. Value=0");
    COUNT LeftLimit=0;
    switch (string[0])
    case '-':
    case '+':
    if (Length-LeftLimit==0)
    error("Sign without value. Value=0");
    while (string[LeftLimit]=='0')
    if ( (Length-=LeftLimit)==0 )
    COUNT DestLength=Length/2+Length%2;
    (pv->body)=new char[DestLength];

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