Идол 90-х Курт Кобейн
e iia iano?oae?oao acaeyaii. Aa-a-a-a!
? oae neacae (o3)
Ie?aaia (o6)
Cae?aoaiiua ?a?iie e?aneie ieia-
? ne?aao ii iei iiaoyie,
e y ae?o oaeeo ?a eae y ,
Ii?aio iie aa?a ia iuoa?ony oaa?aou ion?aa?
Iie iieiaiii auyaey?o oao,eoi eo noa?oa,
Iie aa??ao iia i?eoaeii oio ioou,eioi?ui neaao? y,
Iie yaey?ony a ioaeaneao neaiaeuiie "ieaaeee"
E oaiayo n niaie ii? naiu?...
E neeoeii iicaii y iao?eeny
I?eieiaou oaeeie,eae iie anou naieo oiaa?euae
Ii iaeacaie? iniayieai,
Any iiy ?eciu a yoii ie?a0ai eiy oaiaai ?acaea?aiey,
E aio ii?aio y caanu.E aio ii?aio y n oiaie,
I,?oiau ou ni iiie
Caa?aou e oaay!
Aio oaia i?aai ia
Ie?aaio (o6)
7.Negative greep
This is out of our range,(x3)
This is getting to be (x3)
I'm a negative greep ,(x3)
And I'm stoned
I'm a negative greep ,(x3)
Moan (x2)
Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more (x6)
Verse 1.
Stoned! Stoned!
Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more (x14)
7. Io?eoaoaeuiue oei
Yoi ia ii iaoae ?anoe (o3)
Yoi iaycaoaeuii neo?eouny,(o3)
?-io?eoaoaeuiue oei(o3)
E y iaaieaai.
?-io?eoaoaeuiue oei(o3)
?anioneae niiee-aiiee.
Iaii?eeia e?ioea-ai?o?ea o?a ia aaaooea. (o6)
Eoieao 1.
Iaaieaai! Iaaieaai!
Iaii?eeia e?ioea-ai?o?ea o?a ia aaaooea. (o14)
8. Scoff
In my eyes,I'm not lazy.
In my face ,it's not over
In your room I'm not older.
In yout eyes i'm not worth it.
Give me back my alcohol,(x60
Give me back my, Give me back my, Give me back!
heal a million,
Kill a million,
Peel a million,
Feel a million,
Heal a million,
Kill a million,
Ah! Oh!
(all repeat 3 times)
Ii iiaio,y nianai ia eaioye,
Ii iiaio yoi-aua ia eiiao,
A oaiae eiiiaoa y aua ia naiue noa?ue,
Ii iiaio,y oaeiai ioiioaiey ia caneo?ee,
Io-ea ioaae iia iie noaeai (o6)
Ioaae iie,ioaae iie,ioaae eie...
Nioai?e ieeeeii-eeiii,
Eeeaeae?oe eeiii-ieeeeii,
Nieie ei?o?o n eeiiia-ieeeeiia,
Ii?oanoaoe aeon eeiiia-ieeeeiia,
Nioai?e eeiii-ieeeeii,
Ecie?oi?u eeiii-ieeeeii,
A! I!
(Ana iiaoi?yaony 3 ?aca).
9.Swap meet
They lead a lifestyle that is comfortable?
They travel far to keep their stomachs full.
They make a living off arts and crafts.
They kind their seashells driftwood and burlap.
They make a deal when they come to town.
The Sunday swap meet is a battle ground.
She loves him more than he could ever know.
He loves her more then he will ever show.
Keeps his cigarettes close to his heart.
Keeps her photographs close to her heart.
Keep their bitterness close to their hearts.
(All repeat 3 times).
9.Aaaa iaiye-aa?aoieuueeia
Iie ?eaoo oaiaiie aey naay ?eciu?,
Iie ioi?aaey?ony e ?a?oo ia ?iaa,?oiau iaaeou naie ?eaiou,
Iie ?eaoo ca n?ao i?iecaaaaiee eneonnoaa e ca n?ao oiai,?oi eo aaea?o
Yoi-eeann e?aae,naaeaiiuo ec iaoa?eaea "ii?neea ?aeooee-nieaaiua
Iie yaey?ony a ai?ia,?oiau caee??eou auaiaiu? naaeeo,
Aine?aniua aaaa iaiye-aa?aoieuueeia-aio iiea eo aeoau,
Iia ae?aeaia a iaai ai?acai neeuiaa,?ai ii nii?ao
eiaaa-ieaoau naaa i?aanoaaeou,
Ii e?aeo aa ai?acai neeuiaa,?ai eiaaa-ieaoau iiea?ao ia aaea,
Ii aa??eo naie neaa?aou o naiiai na?aoa,
Iia o?aieo naie oioia?aoee o naiiai na?aoa,
Iie iinyo nai? ai?a?u o naiiai-naiiai na?aoa...
(Ana iiaoi?yaony 3 ?aca)
Fill me in on your new vision,
Wake me up with indecision.
Help me trast your mighty wisdom,
Yes,I eat cow,I am not proud.
Show me how your question,questuon,
Lead the way to may tempilation.
Take my hand and give it cleaning,
Yes,I eat cow,I am not proud.
Easy in an eastchair.
Poop as hard as rock.
I don't like you anyway.
Seal it in a box.
Now you (x40
verses 1-3.
Now you (x2)
I'm who?
I'm you aaaahh!
10. Ainiiaei onu.
Iaiieie iaiy ai e?aaa naiei iiaui aeaaieai ie?a,
I?iaoae iaiy ioi nia naiae ia?aoeoaeuiinou?,
Iiiiae iia aiaa?eouny oaiae iio?yna?uae ioa?inoe,
Aa,y ai aiayaeio-iyni ei?ia e ia eniuouaa? i?e yoii ieeaeie ai?ainoe.
I?iaaiiino?e?oe,eae ou caaaaou naie aii?in, aii?in,
I?iei?e ai?iao e eneooaie? iiae ieioe,
Aicuie ii? ?oeo e i?enoe aa io a?yce,ioiie aa-
Aa,y ai aiayaeio-iyni ei?ia e ia eniuouaa? i?e yoii ieeaeie ai?ainoe.
Oaiaii-aieuaioii a o?oiii e?anea,
A iaoo-neiaii aoeu?iee c?aao aanie?oiue oa?a-?ie,
?oi au oai ie auei-ou iia i?aaeouny,
Ca?oae yoi naaa ia iino!
A oaia?u-oaiy i?a?aau (o4)
Eoieaou 1-3.
A oaia?u-oaiy i?a?aau, (o2)
Eoi y ?
?-yoi ou-a-a-a-a!
Afraid to grade,
Wouldn't it be fun?
Cross says floss,
Wouldn't it be fun?
Wet your bed,
Wouldn't it be fun?
Sun felt numb,
Wouldn't it be fun?
Your eyes.
Teacher sayd,
Your eyes.
Preacher said,
Your eyes.
Teacher said,(x2)
Don't have nothing for you (x7)
Spell the smell,
Wouldn't it be fun?
Search for church,
Wouldn't it be fun?
Wet your bed,
Wouldn't it be fun?
Gold in goals;
Wouldn't it be fun?
Your eyes.
Teacher sayd,
Your eyes.
Preacher said,
Your eyes.
Teacher said,(x2)
Don't have nothing for you (x7)
Don't have nothing for you (x9)
Aieouny caiyouny oeo?oaieai i?e?iau ne?aueaaieai,
?acaa yoi ia caaaaii?
Ne?aueaaiea iia?acoiaaaao "aeyanoai",
?acaa yoi ia caaaaii?
Ienae a iinoaeu,
?acaa yoi ia caaaaii?
Nieioa eae-aoaoi ieaiaiaei io oieiaa,
?acaa yoi ia niaoii?
Oaie aeaca.
O?eoaeu auaiai?eeny.
Oaie aeaca.
I?iiiaaaiee auneacaeny.
Oaie aeaca.
O?eoaeu auaiai?eeny (o2)
? ie?aai ia i?eian aey oaay (o7)
?acei?e ia ninoaaiua yoio caiao,
?acaa yoi ia caaaaii?
Eue-eue oa?eiau,
?acaa yoi ia caaaaii?
Ienae a iinoaeu,
?acaa yoi ia caaaaii?
Oieia enoiaeo io ai?y?eo oaeae,
?acaa yoi ia niaoii?
Oaie aeaca.
O?eoaeu auaiai?eeny.
Oaie aeaca.
I?iiiaaaiee auneacaeny.
Oaie aeaca.
O?eoaeu auaiai?eeny (o2)
? ie?aai ia i?eian aey oaay (o7)
? ie?aai ia i?eian aey oaay (o9).
12.Big cheese
Big cheese,make me.
Mine says go to the office.
Big cheese,make me.
Mine says,what the hell.
Black is black,trading back
We were enemies.
Sure you are what am i.
We were enemies.
Big lies make mine.
Mine says go to the office.
Big cheese,make me.
Mine says what's the code.
Black is black,trading back
We were enemies.
She eats glue,how 'bout you?
Verse 1,4,2
She eats glue,how 'bout you?
We were enemies
Sure you are,what am I.
12.Aieuoay oeoea.
Oeoea-oeoea,naaeae ec iaiy ?aeiaaea,
Iie-oi aiai?eo:"A io,ioae a ioen!"
Oeoea-oeoea,naaeae ec iaiy ?aeiaaea,
Iie-oi aiai?eo:"?oi ca ?a?o!"
?a?iia-?a?ii,a?oaiai ia aaii,
Iu a?a?aiaaee,
Iia i?oaao eeae,a ou?
Eoieaou 1,4,2.
Iia i?oaao eeae,a ou?
Iu a?a?aiaaee,
Ou oaa?ai,?oi ciaaou,eoi y oaeie?
Portray sinserite-act out of loyalty
Defend your true country-wish away pain.
Hand out lobotomies to save little families.
Surrealistic fantasy bland boring plain.
Hold me down in restitution.
Living out your date with fusion.
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