
   Korea in Focus

of the people by reforming economic institutions including the improvement

or simplification of existing financial and tax systems and administrative

measures. Furthermore, the Government will continue to endeavor to fully

realized the nation’s economic growth potential, strengthen its

international competitiveness, and improve the economic conditions of the


If the plan is implemented as intended, the Korean economy is

projected to change as follows:

First with increased efficiency and greater realization of growth

potential, the gross national product should rise at an average annual rate

of about 6.9 percent, raising per capita GNP to US$14,076 in 1998.

Second, greater price stability should prevail as balance is

maintained between the more steadily rising demand and the more briskly

expanding supply, while wage increases are linked to rises in productivity.

The stabilization of the value of the won currency should help stabilize

the prices of imported goods and services. The net effect should be to hold

down the rise in consumer prices to an annual average of 3.7 percent, the

increase in producer prices to an annual average of 1.6 percent and the

rise in the GNP deflator to an annual average of 4.6 percent.

Targets of the 5-Year Plan for the New Economy

| |‘91 |‘92 |‘93 |‘94 |‘95 |‘96 |‘97 |‘98 |‘93-’9|

| | | | | | | | | |8 |

|GNP growth, % |8.4 |4.7 |6.0 |7.1 |7.2 |7.1 |7.0 |7.0 |6.9 |

|Per capita GNP, |6,51|6,74|7,30|8,19|9,33|10,7|12,3|14,0|14,076|

|US$ |8 |9 |6 |6 |9 |16 |05 |76 |2) |

|Rise in producer |4.7 |2.2 |1.8 |1.8 |1.7 |1.6 |1.5 |1.4 |1.6 |

|prices, % | | | | | | | | | |

|Rise in consumer |9.3 |6.2 |4.9 |4.3 |3.7 |3.6 |3.2 |2.9 |3.7 |

|prices, % | | | | | | | | | |

|Rise in GNP |11.2|6.3 |5.3 |5.3 |4.8 |4.5 |4.1 |3.8 |4.6 |

|deflator, % | | | | | | | | | |

|Balance on curren |8.7 |4.6 |1.4 |0 |0.9 |2.1 |3.7 |5.3 |5.32) |

|account, | | | | | | | | | |

|US$ billion | | | | | | | | | |

|Exports 1) ,US$ |69.6|75.1|82.3|82.3|99.3|110.|122.|136.|136.32|

|billion | | | | | |1 |6 |3 |) |

| Rate of |(10.|(7.9|(9.5|(9.5|(10.|(10.|(11.|(11.|(10.4)|

|increase, % |2) |) |) |) |2) |9) |3) |2) | |

|Imports, US$ |76.6|77.3|81.3|81.3|95.8|105.|116.|128.|128.12|

|billion | | | | | |3 |1 |1 |) |

|Rate of increase, |(17.|(1.0|(5.1|(5.1|(9.3|(9.9|(10.|(10.|(8.8) |

|% |5) |) |) |) |) |) |2) |3) | |

Note: 1) On a balance-of-payments basis

2) In terms of 1998 current market prices

The Real name Financial Transaction System

On August 12, 1993, the President took a decisive step toward

revitalizing the economy and eliminating corruption by announcing the

inplementation of the long-anticipated real-name financial transaction

system. In the past, it had been possible to open accounts and conduct

business transactions under false names, directly and indirectly fostering

institutionalized-corruption and illegal financial dealings. Deeming this

reform as the most important in the creation of a New Korea, the President

announced this action in a Presidential Emergency Decree, stating that the

real-name system was essential for cutting the dark link between politics

and business.

With the introduction of the real-name financial transaction system,

it appears that financial dealings are becoming fully transparent and

underground economic dealings and nonproductive land speculation are

diminishing. It is hoped the funds that had been channeled into political

circles in the past as a result of government-business collusion are now

available for more productive activities.

Encouraging Signs

The implementation of a real-name financial transaction system, the

easing of administrative controls, expanded capital investment by major

enterprises, and increased financial and administrative support for small-

and medium-sized enterprises all combined to lay a solid foundation for

another economic take-off. Exports rose 7.6 percent in 1993 to US$82.4

billion, while imports grew just 2.5 percent. Korea was thus able to

register a US$600 million trade surplus last year for the first time in

four years. The current account also yielded a surplus of US$200-300

million. Industrial production has been growing at about a 10 percent rate

during the first half of 1994. Furthermore, labor disputes decreased

markedly last year, while the composite stock index of the Seoul Stock

Exchange climbed markedly. In view of these indications, the Korean economy

seems to be well on the way to revitalization.

External Policies for Greater International Cooperation

Import Liberalization

Korea is committed to fulfilling its international responsibilities.

It positively supports the trend toward openness and utilizes it as a

catalyst for further enhancing the international competitiveness of

industry and thus speeding the advancement of the economy, so that it can

join the group of advancedcountries.

Since 1980, Korea has made continuous efforts toward import

liberalization. The import liberalization rate increased from 68.6 percent

in 1980 to 98.1 percent in 1993. The average tariff rate decreased from

24.9 percent to 8.9 percent during the same period and is expected to be

only 7.9 percent by the end of 1994, the same average level of tariffs

found in OECD member countries.

In October 1989, Korea decided to relinquish GATT balance of payments

protection which mostly covers agricultural products. According to the

decision Korea will move to eliminate its remaining restrictions or

otherwise make them conform with GATT rules by July 1, 1997.

Liberalizing Foreign Exchange Transactions and Capital Markets

In June 1993, the Korean Government made public the third-phase of

the blueprint for financial liberalization and internationalization, which

was implemented from the second half of 1993. Under the plan, procedures

for various foreign exchange transactions are being gradually simplified.

Beginning in 1994, the ceiling on foreign investment in the stock market

will be gradually raised, and the bond market will also be gradually opened

to foreign investment. Initially, from 1994 foreign investors will be

allowed to purchase convertible bonds, even those issued by small-and

medium-sized domestic enterprises.

Foreign-invested firms engaged in the manufacture of high-tech

products or banking and other services are currenlty allowed to induce

foreign credit repayable within three years. Beginning in 1997, the

liberal inducement of foreign credit by both domestic and foreign-invested

enterprises will be allowed.

Increasing Opportunities for Foreign Investors

In June 1993, the Korean Government also announced a five-year plan

for liberalizing foreign investment. Under the plan, 132 of the 224

business lines currently being protected from foreign competition will be

opened to foreign investment in five phases, over a period of five years

starting from July 1993. With the implementation of this plan, of the total

1,148 business lines under the standard industrial classification of Korea,

1,056 will be open to foreign competition. This means that the foreign

investment liberalization rate will rise from 83 percent as of June 2, 1993

to 93.4 percent by 1997.

Included among the business lines to be opened to foreign competition

under the plan are most of the service industries including distribution

and transportation, hospital management, vocational training and “value-

added” communications.

The business conditions for foreign-invested firms will also be

greatly improved through various measures, including relaxed control on the

acquisition of land by foreign-invested firms, the augmented protection of

foreign intellectual rights, and other similar steps.

Cooperation with the Rest of the World, Including Developing Nations and

Socialist Countries

Expanding Trade and Economic Exchanges

The Republic of Korea has emerged as a major global trader by

steadily pursuing freer trade and greater openness, while promoting its

business presence around the world. In the past, Korea’s foreign trade

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